See God at Work

Gods Direction through the Radio

Sometimes God speaks to us in many ways. Sometimes it’s through Friends, Family, Pastors, Teachers and yes even through the Radio.

The Following is an Experience that myself and my Granddaughter had in 2010.  The following is from a letter that I wrote to Chris Fabry who has a Christian talk show on the Radio.

 “I was listening to your program yesterday, and you were sharing your story about the guy who wanted 50 cents for his mother to get on the bus. I also have missed opportunities to help others when I had the chance. About fifteen minutes after you shared that story I drove past a car that was in the road with his flashers on. I turned my Truck around and found out that he was out of gas. (he was driving a 2010 car, not your typical person in need.) I pushed his car out of the road, and drove him to my house to get a can with gas in it. We still had your program on the radio. I don’t know if he was a Christian or not, he didn’t say anything about it. I don’t know what God’s plan was there but I have know doubt it was God at work! He did give me a twenty dollar bill for the gas (2 gal. is all I used) . He insisted that I take it. I was getting ready to go get firewood that day for someone who is battling cancer and didn’t really have the money for fuel. I knew God would provide some how. And he did. I thought I was there to help the stranded motorist, instead I think God used it to help me and the person I was getting the firewood for. While I am writing to you this came to me God is Good, God is Great. For what  He does next, I can hardly wait”

 Chris decided to share this on His  Radio program on New Years Eve. Chris followed his prompting to Share his experience about a missed opportunity and it continued God’s plan. You see After reading my story on his program people received a call to action within their hearts and stories began to pour in of how they began to act on the callings that God had put on their Hearts. 

 Chris shared His story with us on the air that day not knowing why he was doing it. But He was faithful to what God was putting on his Heart. God may be calling you to do something today that you may not understand why. It could be something as small as sharing a story, or as big as taking a Mission Trip, or starting a Ministry. We may not understand how God is going to use Us or make it work. Gods plans are much bigger than we can comprehend.  God’s plans are always fulfilled, and so if you don’t take the calling then He will find someone who will.

So don’t delay trust in Him and answer that calling today.

 Remember God is Good, God is Great, I will answer that call before it’s to late! 

If you would like to hear the Chris Fabry Live program you can find Him on  Moody Radio through this link.  Chris Fabry Live.

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